Q: What are the benefits of Placenta Encapsulation?


A: Your placenta can:

  • Help lower the risk of postpartum depression and the baby blues.
  • Replenish iron which is vital postpartum, iron assists in healing and  boosts energy levels greatly
  • Provide oxytocin otherwise known as the love hormone
  • Provide the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply
  • Help to stabilize hormones postpartum,
  • Replenish your B vitamins and
  • Offer natural pain relief through something called the Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor, it can actually boost the effect of prescription opioid pain medication.  
  • Your placenta nourished your baby and now you have the opportunity to utilize it to nourish you both postpartum.

*the above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are in no way meant to replace medical advice or prescription medication


Q: I’ve heard that there are two different kinds of placenta encapsulation, which one do you do?

A: We provide both raw food method encapsulation and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) inspired encapsulation services.  Each has its own set of benefits and we are happy to discuss which might fit your needs best.

The Raw Food method follows the idea that heating the placenta would lower the nutritional value.  So the placenta is cut into strips and then dehydrated.  This allows for the maximum amount of iron, b-vitamins and stabilizing hormones to remain in the placenta after it is encapsulated.

The TCM inspired method follows the ideology of Chinese medicine that warming the placenta gently prior to dehydrating brings warmth into the mother’s body which promotes healing and the flow of chi, or life energy.  It is not cooked, per-se, but steamed for about 10 minutes over very low heat.  

We can encapsulate utilizing both methods if you would like the boost of energy from the raw capsules in the beginning and the slow building of benefits from the TCM method for the rest by simply processing half of your placenta raw and half of it TCM inspired.



Q: What do I need to do and what should I take with me when I give birth to be prepared for encapsulation?

A:  Let your OB or Midwife (ideally at a prenatal visit) know that you are planning on keeping your placenta, you don’t have to specify what your plans are, but do need to make sure they understand that your placenta must not come into contact with any chemicals.  You will need a cooler and your phone to let us know you’ve delivered! There may be special instructions depending on the hospital or birth center, we will be happy to discuss the “what to do and how to do it” before your due date once services are contracted.


Q: How do I know I won’t receive somebody else’s placenta?

A:  We are very dedicated to our business and clients and would never allow this to happen.  If we ever had more than one placenta in one day, each would be properly labeled from the time of pick up all the way to drop off.  We absolutely guarantee that we will only process one placenta at a time.  The first would be completely dehydrated and all equipment sterilized before the next placenta would be processed.   


Q: How many placenta capsules will my placenta produce?

A:  The amount of capsules can vary greatly depending on the size of the placenta, the average yield is about 110-120 capsules.


Q: What is a placenta tincture?

A: In addition to your placenta capsules you can also receive a placenta tincture. Placenta tinctures can be used in conjunction with your capsules and long after your capsules are gone, during times of trauma, transition, or emotional distress. Many women find them especially helpful when their menstrual cycle resumes or when menopause approaches.  Your placenta tincture is made by placing a small amount of the placenta in a high grade alcohol (usually vodka) and will be ready for use six weeks after preparation. Shaking it periodically will help it steep thoroughly. The tincture is very shelf-stable if kept in a cool dark place, such as a cupboard, and will last for a long, long time- years in fact.


Q: How do I use my placenta capsules and/or my placenta tincture?

A: Capsules are taken daily, typically two capsule three times a day for the first week and then down to one capsule three times a day.  However as every new mother is different, it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount.  A tincture is typically taken on an as needed basis, seven to ten drops three to four times daily under the tongue.   It can be taken in juice or water but that will dilute the effect.



Q: Is there anything that would make encapsulating my placenta impossible?

A: There are several illnesses that could prevent us from being able to safely encapsulate your placenta, for example a uterine infection or chorioamnionitis. There are some genetic disorders would prevent a placenta being safe for consumption.  In addition, there are certain medications that would render a placenta unsafe for consumption.  If you have any questions regarding medications you are currently taking or will be taking during your pregnancy please contact Joyful Mama and we can help determine if they would be problematic.

Several other reasons that encapsulation wouldn’t be possible are:

  • Heavy smoking during pregnancy
  • Heavy drug usage
  • Improper storage of the placenta after delivery